Announcement : 

REMINDER:  Meet the team evening this Wednesday 12th February 2025, 5.00pm – 6.00pm.  

Kaiāwhina Part-time position – Te Puāwaitanga

Kaiāwhina – Part-time, Te Puāwaitanga at Birkdale Primary School.
E rapu ana mātou i tētahi kaiāwhina hei tīmata ākuanei, tae noa ki te mutunga o te tau. Me mātau te kaitono ki te reo Māori me ōna Tīkanga.
Mehemea e ngākaunui ana koe ki te poipoi i ngā tamariki ki tōna ao ako, ki te mahi tahi ki tētahi kāhui kaiako me te hapori hoki, tēnā, tukuna mai tō tono. Waihoki, tukuna mai he īmera e whakamārama ana i tō rikarikatanga ki tēnei tūranga. Tāpiri atu ōu wheako whaiaro mo tēnei momo mahi, tō tātai pūmanawa rānei. Ka noho tūwhera tēnei pānui tae noa tae noa ki te wā ka kimi he tangata arotau mo tēnei tūranga.
Natasha Teinakore-
We are seeking a Kaiāwhina to start asap until the end of the year. The applicant will need to be fluent in Te Reo Māori and Tīkanga Māori.
If you are passionate about nurturing tamariki in their world of learning and willing to work closely with a team of teachers and the community, then we would love to hear from you. Include any relevant experience, or your CV. Applications will remain open until a suitable applicant is found.Please send an email, expressing your interest to:
Natasha Teinakore –