Announcement : 

Book in a Learning hui to meet your child’s teacher.   Coming up – 4th March & 5th March 2025

Term 3 – Week 4: Principal Update



Can you believe we’ve finished 4 weeks already? It was great seeing whānau last week, meeting with teachers and listening to their children share and celebrate learning. If you’ve not been able to meet with your child’s teacher, please get in touch and make a time to discuss their learning. 


We will be extending our mandatory mask wearing for adults and Y4-6 when working closely with others indoors, for another two weeks. Over the past week, we’ve had 8 out of 20 staff members away. Wearing masks will help keep remaining staff as healthy as possible while we work our way through winter illness and covid. Please respect this requirement if you enter any of our school buildings.

We are doing our best to avoid a shift to distance learning due to staff shortages.


Due to winter sickness, the reliever shortage and being a small school, many staff have had to cover extra duties, missed their own breaks during wet lunch times while trying to keep restless students engaged indoors.

Are you able to help out?

  1. Do you have any spare time to help with road patrol before or after school? (so leaders and teachers can prepare for the day, find work for relievers and supervise students in rooms when it’s wet)
  2. Or spare time (any time) to put away reading books or help prepare teacher resources? 

CLICK HERE if you are able to help with the above.

  1. Do you have any old games (used but with pieces), cards, chess sets, puzzles, wet day activities suitable for 5-11years etc? We’d love to use them for wet days in classrooms and library.  We have some – but they’re looking a  little tired.
  2. Or extra lego or ‘fake’ lego (we’re not fussy!) – it’s so expensive, but even our seniors still enjoy creating and building. More of the smaller lego pieces than larger duplo sized ones for junior hands. We have a lot of those sets.

Just drop at the office and we’ll distribute.

Thanks everyone! We know that by supporting each other and working together we will be able to continue providing enriching and engaging environments and opportunities for our learners.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Natasha Teinakore

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Cnr Birkdale & Salisbury Rds Auckland 0626