Book in a Learning hui to meet your child’s teacher. Coming up – 4th March & 5th March 2025
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Tongan Celebration Assembly – Wet day plan
Mālō e lelei Today’s wet plan for our Tongan Celebration Assemblies will be as follows: 11:45 – Rīmu, Kauri, Pūriri, Pōhutukawa, Māhoe, Kahikatea, Tānekaha 12:25 – Koromiko, Tī Kōuka, Kōwhai, Tōtara, Mānuka (Rīmu) Performers will be performing in both assemblies. Please feel free to come and support your child’s class in either assembly. Malo ‘aupito … Read moreTongan Celebration Assembly – Wet day plan
TERM 3 – Week 5: Newsletter
FRIDAY 18 AUGUST Kia ora e te whānau o Birkdale, Winter weather has been predictably cold and a little miserable. Add to that the pressure of trying to park at school and having children inside more than we would probably like, can sometimes lead to frustration and irritability. We really appreciate everyone who enters … Read moreTERM 3 – Week 5: Newsletter
Reminder – school meeting tonight
School hui tonight for all school family members. We will be discussing anything you feel is important, that we should include in our school planning for the next 2 years. BIRKDALE to 2025!
Whole school hui
Kia ora Birkdale families, REMINDER: Whole School hui for all families and whānau @ Birkdale Primary School WHEN: Thursday @ 6pm We will all start in the school library to begin with and then split off into smaller groups. See you all there!
Casual Board vacancy for a parent representative
Birkdale Primary School Board Casual vacancy for a parent representative A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative. The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection. If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being … Read moreCasual Board vacancy for a parent representative
Update: Road works on Birkdale
Kia ora e te whānau Road work on Birkdale is planned to continue for the next 6 weeks. Please continue to be patient and kind to each other and the people who are working to make our roads safer for our students. The road work is being completed to reduce speeds around the school and … Read moreUpdate: Road works on Birkdale
Term 3 – Week 3: Newsletter
MONDAY 31 JULY PLAYGROUND BLESSING Kia ora e te whānau o Birkdale, This morning at 6:30am Matua Shannon said a karakia for our playground | papa tākaar to officially open it. It was a lovely, fresh morning and a great way to start the week. I’d like to acknowledge the fundraising efforts of many … Read moreTerm 3 – Week 3: Newsletter
Kia ora koutou Just an update on the new playground. It looks finished but needs a few more days to let the surfacing cure. On Monday, after a blessing led by Matua Shannon, the fencing will be down and students will go through the playground with their classes first. Whaea Natasha
Whole school whānau hui
Kia ora e ngā whānau The whole school hui (meeting) that was scheduled for all families this Thursday has been postponed. The new date is Thursday 17th August @ 6:30pm. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by moving the date. The other school hui (Te Puāwaitanga whānau, Auraki Māori whānau and Pasifika fono) are still … Read moreWhole school whānau hui
Aroha mai koutou – you can tell it’s end of term when you can count the number of typos in the school newsletter on 2 hands!!! Reports will be coming home tomorrow – end of Term 2! As for the others, I’ll let you find them…a fun game to play with your kids 😂 – … Read moreApologies!