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Term 3 – Week 10: Newsletter
THURSDAY 29 JUNE PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE Kia ora e te whānau o Birkdale, End of term is nearly upon us and just like that, we’re halfway through the year. As usual we don’t slow down much to take a breath. We finished the term with a very successful Matariki Morning and have reports going home … Read moreTerm 3 – Week 10: Newsletter
Term 2 – Week 6: Newsletter
THURSDAY 1 JUNE PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE Tālofa lava Birkdale community, I’ve just returned from 3 weeks of sick leave. Hopefully, that is the last major treatment I need to complete for a little while. Thank you to everyone who checks in and finds out how I’m doing. I’m doing well – feels great to be … Read moreTerm 2 – Week 6: Newsletter
Road disruptions for pick up and drop off.
Kia ora e ngā whānau, Road works have begun on Salisbury road today. The road work happening will make it safer for our tamariki travelling to and from school but we will need to put up with some disruption before that. The road is being reduced to 1 lane and will operate with traffic lights. … Read moreRoad disruptions for pick up and drop off.
Samoan celebration assemblies – WET DAY PLAN
If you were planning on attending today, we are shifting to our wet day plan: In the library at: 11:45-12:25 – Rimu, Kauri, Pūriri, Māhoe and Pōhutukawa 12:30 – 1:00pm – Koromiko, Tī Kōuka, Tōtara, Mānuka, Kahikatea. See you there!
Cultural clothes
Remember if your child would like to wear cultural attire to school today they’re allowed. This is to celebrate the end of Samoan language week.
Important information about WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY
Talofa lava! WEDNESDAY If you are able to pick up your child/ren early on Wednesday we would appreciate so we can run the paid union meetings for teachers in the afternoon. Pick up is at 12:30pm. THURSDAY A reminder that the colour run is this Thursday afternoon. On Thursday morning, please send with your child/ren: … Read moreImportant information about WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY
Industrial action/ Colour run.
Afternoon everyone, Today we were notified that teachers will not be striking this Wednesday. Instead, there will be paid union meetings in the afternoon. The Birkdale Board of Trustees have decided to keep school open, with non-union members and leadership supervising. This will affect our school colour run scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. We will move … Read moreIndustrial action/ Colour run.
Birkdale Primary School – NZ Uniforms
Kia ora Parents and whānau, We are pleased to announce that Birkdale Primary School has partnered with a new supplier to provide a better service to our community. Uniforms are no longer available to purchase from “The Warehouse” and can now be purchased from “NZ Uniforms”. NZ Uniforms offers a uniform shop located at 19A … Read moreBirkdale Primary School – NZ Uniforms
Dates to remember…
Term 1: 5th April (Wed) – ANZAC Memorial Assembly @ 9:30-10:30am. Whānau are welcome to attend. 6th April (Thu) – Term 1 Ends Term 2: 24th April (Mon) – Teacher Only Day, school closed. (One of 2 this year) 25th April (Tue) – ANZAC Day 26th April (Wed) – Term 2 Starts for students 9th … Read moreDates to remember…
Term 1 – Week 7: Newsletter
THURSDAY 23 MARCH PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE STRIKES and CONTRACTS I thought it might help to put the strike last Thursday in context as I know it felt unexpected for a lot of people. Thursday’s strike felt like an unfortunate necessity for teachers and principals still feeling frustrated with the governments offer. The teacher and principal’s … Read moreTerm 1 – Week 7: Newsletter