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Term 4 – Week 4: Principal Update
FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE Kia ora koutou katoa, Nearly halfway through the term and I’ve been a little lacks on the updates! MASKS Mask wearing is no longer required at Birkdale Primary School and is left up to individual whānau. You may have noticed an increase in mask wearing amoung staff. We’ve had … Read moreTerm 4 – Week 4: Principal Update
2023 Enrolments
If you are IN ZONE and planning on sending your 5yr old to Birkdale primary February next year, please enrol them asap THIS TERM. This will help with school planning. It allows us to allocate the right number of staff and spots for out-of-zoners. If you are out-of-zone, we will be running one more ballot … Read more2023 Enrolments
Monday night TAG
Mustering for TAG Y0-6 happened today at school and a notice was sent them seesaw. If you know your child wants to play but you haven’t seen the information, contact your child teacher for the registration link. It’s a short turn around with registrations closing Thursday at 12pm. This is because games start this coming … Read moreMonday night TAG
Term 3 – Week 8: Newsletter
FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE COVID-19 UPDATE You’ll be aware that New Zealand has moved to a new, long-term approach to COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This new approach will only result in minor changes … Read moreTerm 3 – Week 8: Newsletter
Term 3 – Week 6: Principal Update
FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE MASKS Thank you for supporting our mandatory mask wearing indoors for the past 6 weeks. While we do still have some sickness/covid among staff, it has reduced enough to be manageable. From now on, masks will be ‘strongly recommended’ indoors for Y4-6 but not mandatory. Our usual advice of … Read moreTerm 3 – Week 6: Principal Update
Term 3 – Week 4: Principal Update
FRIDAY 29 JULY PRINCIPAL’s UPDATE Can you believe we’ve finished 4 weeks already? It was great seeing whānau last week, meeting with teachers and listening to their children share and celebrate learning. If you’ve not been able to meet with your child’s teacher, please get in touch and make a time to discuss their … Read moreTerm 3 – Week 4: Principal Update
Term 3 | Week 1 – Newsletter
FRIDAY 29 JULY PRINCIPAL UPDATE Kia ora e ngā whānau Welcome back to Term 3 and what a blustery start it’s been! It’s been lovely seeing everyone’s excited faces back at school. This term’s value focus is Whanaungatanga. Our Inquiry focus will centre on the learning areas of Technology/ Hangarau and PE/Health or Hauora. … Read moreTerm 3 | Week 1 – Newsletter
Reforming Māori medium education – have your say in NZ’s review.
Kia ora e te whānau o Birkdale, This message is specifically for whānau Māori. I’ve sent it to our entire mailing list in case we don’t have up-to-date ethnicity information and iit s relevant for you and your child/ren. The message is about important work being done currently by Te Pae Roa and how you, … Read moreReforming Māori medium education – have your say in NZ’s review.
DMIC Maths holiday programme
We are excited to be hosting the DMIC maths holiday programme in our library during the first week of the school holidays. It runs from 8:45 – 12:30 each day of the first week of the holidays. You can still register using this link
Basketball Term 3
BASKETBALL – Semester 2. Notices were given out last week to students who expressed interest in playing next term. If your child (Year 3 – 6) is interested in playing, please can you return the notice as soon as possible. If your child did not receive a notice and is interested in playing please … Read moreBasketball Term 3