Announcement : 

REMINDER:  School starts back on the 5th February 2025.  We look forward to seeing everyone then.

Tuesday school closed

Kia ora koutou Just confirming that school is closed tomorrow – Tuesday. Also, if you need support: The Community Hub for our area is at Birkenhead Leisure Centre, 46 Mahara Avenue, Birkenhead. The community hub is staffed by by government welfare and support services, alongside Auckland Emergency Management. They are providing help with welfare, health … Read moreTuesday school closed

Update 2

Kia ora e te whānau, The schools in our local cluster have decided that, in the interests of safety for both staff and students, schools will be closed for on-site instruction on Monday 13th February and Tuesday 14th February 2023. We appreciate this is a further disruption that is less than ideal, however the safety … Read moreUpdate 2