Announcement : 

REMINDER:  Meet the team evening this Wednesday 12th February 2025, 5.00pm – 6.00pm.  


Birkdale Primary School has a uniform which is compulsory to wear.   It consists of a polo shirt and crewneck sweatshirt for the colder months.   Uniforms are available from NZ Uniforms.  You can either purchase online or visit their shop which is located in Albany.

There are no regulation bottoms, however children must wear black or navy shorts, pants or a skirt with the uniform.

Students may wear a warm thermal underneath their polo shirt during the winter months but must be dark in colour, e.g. black, navy.

Larger sizes are available.

Please note all prices are inclusive of GST and are subject to change without notification

It is compulsory to wear a school hat in term 1 and 4.   Our school hats cost $12.00 and are available to purchase through the school office. (see details below)

School Hat with logo  –  $12.00 (purchase through Birkdale Primary School office).   Payment can be made via bank transfer – ASB 12-3035-0598237-00 (use child’s name and hat as reference).